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Cantabile Rehearsal
Community Concert Center 55 Concert Lane, Naperville, ILCommunity Concert Center
Primo Showcase Performance
Martin Avenue 310 W. Martin Avenue, Naperville, ILPrimo 1 and Primo 2 - Please arrive at Martin Ave Apartments no later than 4:45pm
Brillante Rehearsal
Community Concert Center 55 Concert Lane, Naperville, ILCommunity Concert Center
Aria Rehearsal
Community Concert Center 55 Concert Lane, Naperville, ILCommunity Concert Center
Winter Concert Mandatory Rehearsal
Neuqua Valley High School 2360 95th Street, Naperville, ILAll choirs will have a rehearsal time in the morning or early afternoon. Times TBD
Winter Concerts
Neuqua Valley High School 2360 95th Street, Naperville, ILConcert One 2:00pm: Brio, Dolce, Aria, Cantabile (Bella Cantare & Canto Vivo - limited repertoire) Concert Two 4:00pm: Primo, Ragazzi, Bella Voce (Bella Cantare & Canto Vivo - limited repertoire) Concert Three 6:30pm: Brillate, Canto Vivo, Bella Cantare (Bella Voce - limited repertoire)
Dolce Rehearsal
ServBank 3201 Orchard Road, Oswego, ILAllied First Bank - Oswego Evaluations and Holiday Party
Canto Vivo Rehearsal
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church 815 S. Washington Street, Naperville, ILOur Saviour's Church
Brio Rehearsal
Community Concert Center 55 Concert Lane, Naperville, ILCommunity Concert Center
Ragazzi Rehearsal
Community Concert Center 55 Concert Lane, Naperville, ILCommunity Concert Center
Bella Voce Rehearsal
Community Concert Center 55 Concert Lane, Naperville, ILCommunity Concert Center
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