Winter Concert Mandatory Rehearsal

Neuqua Valley High School 2360 95th Street, Naperville, IL

All choirs will have a rehearsal time in the morning or early afternoon.  Times TBD

Winter Concerts

Neuqua Valley High School 2360 95th Street, Naperville, IL

Concert One 2:00pm: Brio, Dolce, Aria, Cantabile (Bella Cantare & Canto Vivo - limited repertoire) Concert Two 4:00pm: Primo, Ragazzi, Bella Voce (Bella Cantare & Canto Vivo - limited repertoire) Concert Three 6:30pm: Brillate, Canto Vivo, Bella Cantare (Bella Voce - limited repertoire)  

Dolce Rehearsal

ServBank 3201 Orchard Road, Oswego, IL

Allied First Bank - Oswego Evaluations and Holiday Party