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Aria 6:15 Rehearsal
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church 815 S. Washington Street, Naperville, ILYNS Butter Braid Fundraiser Ends
All orders and payments are due online/to the YNS office.
Photo for the 40th!
Naperville Central High School 440 Aurora Ave (Door 9), Naperville, ILBe a part of a HISTORIC 40th Anniversary photo! Have your singer wear their 40th Anniversary choir t-shirt they received in September and meet us in the gym at Naperville Central High School. Enter through Door 9 (the athletic door). We can't wait to have you be a part of this photo! There will of […]
Dolce Rehearsal – Extended Time
ServBank 3201 Orchard Road, Oswego, ILRehearsal will go until 6pm tonight.
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