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Aria 4:45 Rehearsal
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church 815 S. Washington Street, Naperville, ILAria 6:15 Rehearsal
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church 815 S. Washington Street, Naperville, ILCantabile, Bella Voce, Bella Cantare, Canto Vivo – Mandatory Rehearsal
Wentz Concert Hall 171 E Chicago Avenue, Naperville, ILCantabile, Bella Voce, Bella Cantare, Canto Vivo - Mandatory Rehearsal Times TBD - Wentz Concert Hall
Cantabile, Bella Voce, Bella Cantare, Canto Vivo – Spring Concerts
Wentz Concert Hall 171 E Chicago Avenue, Naperville, ILCantabile, Bella Voce, Bella Cantare, Canto Vivo - Spring Concerts 3:30pm and 6:30pm All choirs performing the same repertoire at both concerts.
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