Brio Showcase Performance

Martin Avenue 310 W. Martin Avenue, Naperville, IL

Full concert uniform for the performance at Martin Ave.

ALL Primo Singers – Showcase

Martin Avenue 310 W. Martin Avenue, Naperville, IL

Martin Ave. Apartments - 4:45pm to 5:30pm   Please wear your full concert uniform.  (This is for ALL Primo singers.)

No Primo Thurs Rehearsal

There is NO Primo Thursday Rehearsal this week.  (You should attend the Showcase performance this week at Martin Ave. on Wed. 12/6 from 4:45pm-5:30pm.)

Choirs Connect – Aria & Cantabile

St. Timothy Church 1313 N. Mill Street, Naperville, IL

Aria & Cantabile 8:30am-10:30am - Wear your choir t-shirt and jeans. (Aria - orange; Cantabile - pink)

Choirs Connect – Brillante and Bella Voce

St. Timothy Church 1313 N. Mill Street, Naperville, IL

Brillante & Bella Voce 10:45am-12:45pm - Wear your choir t-shirt and jeans. (Brillante - purple; Bella Voce - teal)