40th Anniversary Spring Concerts

Wentz Concert Hall 171 E Chicago Avenue, Naperville, IL

40th Anniversary Spring Concerts Ragazzi, Cantabile, Bella Voce, Bella Cantare & Canto Vivo 3:30 & 6:30pm Concerts - All Groups Will Perform in both Concerts (concerts will have identical programming)

10/31 No Rehearsal

No Rehearsal for Aria or Brillante Primo Thursday - will attend the Primo Wednesday Rehearsal from 4:45-5:45pm.

Butter Braid Sales End

Butter Braid sales end today...your orders should be placed online or paper orders should be at the office with payment

Dare to Dream Concert – BV & BC

Wentz Concert Hall 171 E Chicago Avenue, Naperville, IL

Dare to Dream Concert - BV & BC Bella Voce and Bella Cantare will be performing in the Dare to Dream concert with Spirito and La Caccina. Arrival 1:15pm with […]

Beats 2 Business – BC & CV

Chicago Marriott 1801 Naper Blvd, Naperville, IL, United States

Beats 2 Business - BC & CV Bella Cantare and Canto Vivo will perform at the Beats to Business conference at the Chicago Marriott Naperville .  Call time is 5:00pm; […]