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Aria 6:15 Rehearsal
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church 815 S. Washington Street, Naperville, ILWorkshop with Maria Ellis – Aria & Brillante
Community Concert Center 55 Concert Lane, Naperville, ILWorkshop with Maria Ellis - Aria & Brillante Community Concert Center - 4:30 Arrival; Workshop 4:45-5:45pm
Workshop with Maria Ellis – Bella Voce
Community Concert Center 55 Concert Lane, Naperville, ILWorkshop with Maria Ellis - Bella Voce Community Concert Center - Arrival 6:15pm (please do not arrive before then)Â Workshop 6:30-7:30pm
Sing & Celebrate – Choir Festival Cantabile/Ragazzi
Wentz Concert Hall 171 E Chicago Avenue, Naperville, ILSing & Celebrate at Wentz Concert Hall 8:15am arrival; 2:00pm concert - Dismissal will be after the concert at approximately 2:45pm
Sing & Celebrate Workshop BC/CV
Wentz Concert Hall 171 E Chicago Avenue, Naperville, ILSing & Celebrate Workshop at Wentz Concert Hall 9:15am arrival; 2:00pm concert - Dismissal will be after the concert at approximately 2:45pm
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