10/31 No Rehearsal

No Rehearsal for Aria or Brillante Primo Thursday - will attend the Primo Wednesday Rehearsal from 4:45-5:45pm.

Butter Braid Sales End

Butter Braid sales end today...your orders should be placed online or paper orders should be at the office with payment

Dare to Dream Concert – BV & BC

Wentz Concert Hall 171 E Chicago Avenue, Naperville, IL

Dare to Dream Concert - BV & BC Bella Voce and Bella Cantare will be performing in the Dare to Dream concert with Spirito and La Caccina. Arrival 1:15pm with […]

Beats 2 Business – BC & CV

Chicago Marriott 1801 Naper Blvd, Naperville, IL, United States

Beats 2 Business - BC & CV Bella Cantare and Canto Vivo will perform at the Beats to Business conference at the Chicago Marriott Naperville .  Call time is 5:00pm; […]

Butter Braid Pick-Up

Community Concert Center 55 Concert Lane, Naperville, IL

Butter Braid Pick-Up is today...if you ordered Butter Braids, you must pick up your order as they come frozen.

Kids Matter Youth Service Awards Performance

Naperville Municipal Building 400 S. Eagle Street, Naperville, IL

Kids Matter Youth Service Awards Performance BV & BC will perform - Call time is 5:15pm (please check your newsletter for updates on the call time) Performance at 6:00pm; Dismissal […]

BC & CV Rehearsals

BC & CV have normal rehearsals tonight: 6:15-8:15pm BC and 6:15-8:00pm for CV

No Rehearsals – Thanksgiving Break

No Rehearsals - Thanksgiving Break No rehearsals for BV, Cantabile, Voci, Brio, Ragazzi, Primo, Brillante & Aria this week