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Primo Wednesday Rehearsal
Community Concert Center 55 Concert Lane, Naperville, ILBrillante Rehearsal
Community Concert Center 55 Concert Lane, Naperville, ILPrimo Thursday Rehearsal
Community Concert Center 55 Concert Lane, Naperville, ILAria 4:45 Rehearsal
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church 815 S. Washington Street, Naperville, ILAria 6:15 Rehearsal
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church 815 S. Washington Street, Naperville, ILBella Cantare & Canto Vivo Rehearsal with DuPage Symphony Orchestra
Wentz Concert Hall 171 E Chicago Avenue, Naperville, IL7:00-8:30pm Rehearsal - Wear current black YNS choir t-shirts, jeans and tennis shoes
Feed My Starving Children – Bella Voce
Feed My Starving Children 555 Exchange Court, Aurora, ILBella Voce - Feed My Starving Children Event 7-8:45pm at the Naperville location. Please make sure you've filled out the sign up that was emailed to you.
DuPage Symphony Orchestra Concert
Wentz Concert Hall 171 E Chicago Avenue, Naperville, ILBella Cantare & Canto Vivo - Collaborative Concert with DuPage Symphony Orchestra Concert is at 3pm/Call Time 2pm - Formal Concert Uniforms
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